the chocolate croissants in zagreb
Current mood: jubilant
Category: Travel and Places
Hey beautifull creatures!!!
woke up this morning feeling good, happy and healthy again. My first bed in a week... too expensive but worth it! Hostelling International never fails to piss me off, lousy or no breakfast, sad lounges and mostly no kitchen... and this one was no exception... check out at 9!!!! 9 yes, you're reading correctly.
anyways not writing this to be bitchy,
saw my friend yves leave this morning, train to munich germany, he's going to visit his uncle in Koln and then go back to belgium, to travell with his girlfriend i think next week and then find a job.
I'm by myself again and feel courageous toward the continuing of the road.
I'll quickly sum up some of the cool stuff of the last weeks...

hitchhiked out of Grenoble after csing there for 2 days and hiking/climbing one of the surrounding mountains, lots of work probably 15 kilometers of trail... very warm sweaty, then drinking water and doing yoga in a park up the mountain... awesome.
Leaving Grenoble went well, kind of hard figuring the roads out, had to change highways a couple of times to get in the direction of Italy, worked out and got dropped off on the right road, by a very little parking, with like 2 trucks and one car, got very lucky when a romanian truckdriver agreed to take us to a better stop but was afraid of the cops so didn't want to take 2 hitchers across the border... i guess he liked us because after a few čiles he told me to hide behind the curtain of his sleeping compartment en drove us into Italy :D!!
got dropped of somewhere before Turin, then kept hitching and found ourselves at a peage just outside of Milan, kept hitching and a nice lady (whom yves called a milf :p) took us a little further to a little gas station, she showed us the pictures of her beautiful daughters, who she was verz proud of, and played us the metal music of her husbands band... he was the drummer!
While we were eating something in the little shop by the gasstation, a nice little old man, whom I though had some homosexual tendencies(though a nice man), kept circuling us to read what was on the hitchhiking sign, he offered to take us to Bergamo in his nice car. He turned out to be a nice old man who was into fabrics, he did slap Yves leg a couple of times... I let yves sit in front because of my hunch ;p. he dropped us off at the hostel and offered to have a drink with us that evening at the main square of the old town, where there were ome concerts, we agreed and got a room at the hostel. (he almost offerd us to stay at his place if the hostel didn't have any rooms... way too nice) We checked in and had a shower and went to visit the old town, beautifull!! and a good concert, night of the proms like, symphonic, over the top renditions of pop music, tears in heaven and others... you know. Didn't see the man again though.
went to bed and hitched on the next day...

Got some good rides from nice people, even one in a convertible, though spent many hours in the scourching sun and had somewhat of a heat fainting thingy.. felt kind of weak, yves took over and i rested in the shade a bit, got better...
Someone dropped us off 5 kilometers from Lago di Garda, nobody gave us a ride so we walke to the lake... intense and hot, got there in the evening and jumped in to cool our senses. rested and ate at a little stand... big rip off: one euro and a half for the bread we didn't order and 1,5 for the cutlery, when asking about that the guy said very laconically, " you need thattuh, to eatuh" :D, crazy Italians!!!
Found a nice place to camp wild, in a little field just beside the lake, between two tourist hotels and a camping... nobody bothered us though and we spent there 2 nights, one day of Dolce far niente (the sweet doing of nothing), resting after a few intense days...
full day on the beach eating, reading and swimming... sweet!!!
used my homemade cooking fire that worked out awesome ... check out the site : zen and the art of alcohol stoves, I have made the penny stove.
Getting out of Touristy places is a drag!! tons of campers, tourists, lots of traffic and no rides... we wound up walking miles... and I mean miles, because Yves stayed hopefull about finding a better place to hitch, and we had to do something, made me kind of irritated, since the spots seemed to get worse, with no shoulder by the road... eventually, when we really needed it and older italian man, a painter coming from his work, picked us up and took us to Verona, what a relief to be in a car again and feel the sweet cooling wind through the window.
I'll cut this post in two so I don't lose what i have written already and continue in the next one.... to be continued
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