I find myself with an overload of stories, anecdotes, jokes, renditions, songs and thoughts.
I will have to suffer the fact of just not being capable to condense all of it in writing. The reason I haven't written for the last two weeks is because this kind of living has been way too involving and intense, getting deeply sucked into the lifestyle of another culture and just having a plain shitload of work!
Some of my major achievements though...
I did get bitten by a lion, but although rumor and popular belief took a turn of it's own, it was a baby lion cub! I am not severely injured, but do have a slight 3 cm scar on my left arm...
Now we've gotten that one straight...
I have finished my first batch of ABSINT, made with a real still, and it kicks ass! I mean it, it tastes like the best Pastis, changes from green to yellow milky white when you put water with it, and it gets you freaking high! Either that or the stash of homegrown Durban weed laying around here somewhere... who knows!!! one day we'll repeat the experiment without the W factor.
From sa5nov |
Besides that I have learnt : - several leather thong stitches
- how to make leather thong
-how to pre-stretch and brain-tan a buckskin ( this process does involve soaking a animal skin in cooked brains, if you're wondering, I do think it's gross and I do not condone animal suffering, but the native tech/primitive technology, sustainable living part of it is way interesting me)
-how to piss of the maid while trying to teach her how to cook, which she obviously doesn't want.
-build a deck to fish from
And so on...
From sa5nov |
I have been staying on this farm for a month now, and I still get along with everybody very well, especially the maid. I have gotten drunk on may an occasion, tonight not excluded... And I have performed for a bunch of South African rugby supporters a Ryan Adams song on banjo...
Sound random to you... well it is.
I played only one song and it rocked, the bargirl gave me free peanuts and popcorn and I thought she liked me, though the boss of the establishment was getting seriously pissed off from my hilarious cowboy – drunk ass antics... it didn't help when I was calling South African whites a bunch of retarded inbreds... and so on ... no not really.
I behaved much better, I'd like to remember, but this is the story Hannes told me about our night out.
I had gone out with him and his Scottish buddy Dave, we had left Jeanne alone at the farm for something that should have been an hour or so. We had been loading up on the 160 proof moonshine at the farm, and it hit me like a kicking mule on the way to the Majube lodge.
All along the way, me and Dave were talking about the racial thing, which is a bummer in this country, and as I got seriously pissed off at the white supremacist thing, racial purity and that nonsense... I came to the genious idea that all these guys trying to be so racially pure, so far from the European homeland ( where they seem to identify with... if they only knew how liberal we are...), are a bunch of inbreds....
I know this is wrong and politically incorrect but it made a lot of sense to me that night... Anyway I played my song, had my time, everybody was very friendly... except the boss who was gazing at me from the right corner of his evil eye.. but all went fine, and I didn't insult anybody... I think :p
After me there was a nice guitar duo that made south african, hawaian style guitar music, and I enjoyed it. Although Hannes and Dave kept booing to get me back on stage.
Finally we went home, way too late, Jeanne was in bed and we started a braai ( which is Afrikaans for BBQ), I emptied a can of computerscreen spray, since me and Dave just couldn't get the fire going and so on and so on... we were drunk indeed!
I woke up hung over, Jeanne was way pissed because we made an immense amount of mess and the spraycan was emptied... she's reminded me a couple of times ever since....
well enough of the wild stories; I have been behaving rather well lately and I'm still trying to make up for that dumb can of computerscreen paint! (the fire was cool though).
I am the only wwoofer on the farm right now and am looking into my options on other farms, maybe travelling with some fellow cs-ers and renting a car together, I might even get a job on a christian missionary boat that travels around the world preaching the gospels of JC, though it seems doubtful :s
anyway friends and lovers, I'm gonna have another drink, or try to... and leave it with this for now.
My sincerest apologies for the rant and drink and politically incorrect humor, I'l try to set things straight next time, I just hope you enjoyed it... much love
You know I love You ALLL!!!
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