Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the beauty in everything!

Current mood: amorous

Okay, it's been a bloody while!
the past few months have been spent with study, building skills, networking and driving an ambulance. Being confronted with mortality and sickness on a daily basis, getting to know the people behind the illness, the humor and love, only scratchdeep and limitless. The buddha eyes in every distorted being, the smile on my handicapped friend JP's face, an endless understanding of my silly humor and driving, hours of freaking driving... the road never ended for me, I live it daily, I come home strung out , and silent... But I know the same road will take me places soon enough again!
I'm quitting my job in july,the first I think. I was gonna head off to Iceland, but have to organise an open mic night by the second week of july, which is kind of ridiculous to travel to iceland for a week and a half, I think I'm just gonna hop over to the uk for a while and try to do some open mics and busking. Working on my music again.
Art has been a major thing lately, when I got the time!! I's trying to learn to stitch my own clothes, drawing whenever I can, writing short stories of wich I'll post some if I get to, making collages and writing songs... Okay I've been creative and also hoping to get some people together to work on some environmental group and green this place!! but it's shite to be stuck for a while again, I wanna go to africa in October, I'll also be in the states again in the beginning in August and I really wanna hitch to the Rainbow gathering in Serbia... if anyone wants to come or needs the coordinates, mail me!
So I'm looking at a summer of activity... I really need to finish some stuff though, Got a lot of open projects that need finishing. First the studies, been reading a lot of mythology, fairytales, rudolf steiner and a wonderfull book about findhorn!
Then the crafts and my garden, need to build a chicken coop soon enough, want it to be finished by August. Need to write a pamflet and hopefully some poetry bundles, I had started one already but fucking lost it at a festival... losing art is no fun!!
Then I need to finish that bloody country album I started recording with my friend Yves, but just before the official recordings he got a wrist problem, so I had lost my main compadre, harmony singing lead guitarist... and couldn't work on for a while... new songs piling up!
And I also started playing in a rougher, rockier band again, doing psychedelic stoner/grunge/rock and I really want to record with them too, before I'm gone again for a year or more...
God so much stuff to do... it's about damn time I quit my job and live the arts full time... wish me luck
sorry for a boring blog about all the stuff I should and gotta do... I'll try and be more prozaic next time. got to get to work now!
much love and light to all you sentient, radiant and beautifull starchildren!!
